Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Robin / Rachel Grenadier - Liable E-mails

JW Grenadier <jwgrenadier@gmail.com>

Dear Janice,
12 messages

Rachel Grenadier <rlgrennie29@hotmail.com>
Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 5:35 AM
To: "jwgrenadier@gmail.com" <jwgrenadier@gmail.com>
Recently, it has come to my attention that you have been filing documents with various court jurisdictions regarding my family. I am hereby putting you on unofficial notice to cease and desist from this activity or you will find that your legal situation has taken a decided turn for the worse.

Specifically, I do not like the fact that you have dragged our entire family into your internecine squabbling with David. He owes you nothing, and neither does anyone in our family, and that includes Ilona. You are to quit harrassing her, David and the courts, or I will come and deal with you personally and when I do, I shall bring all the relevant documents which prove YOUR forgeries of my grandmother's signatures to sales contracts and the like which you foolishly and rashly sent to me some time ago. WIth my legal background, it would take me all of five minutes to write and notarize an affidavit to that effect. You also must have clearly forgotten that I am a former officer of the Federal courts and hear things about you from sources other than our immediate family constantly. Furthermore, insulting Federal judges as you have done will get you into more trouble than I think you realize as that is a Federal offense with stiff jail time included PLUS fines which I really doubt you can afford. Frankly, I am mystified none of the judges in the district court in Alexandria has had you interrogated and/or arrested by the FBI. As in the past, I will be happy to assist them should it become necessary.

Janice, I am letting you know now that I do not have patience for your behavior and will take whatever means necessary to undo the damage you have caused my family's reputation. I am sorry that David ever married you and I am sure he is, as well. You keep dredging up the fact that you were "giving birth" to our nieces when the trouble began with Jim Arthur, but I wonder why you have never considered their reputations as your children? David is not the source of your problems today, you are entirely to blame for your own behavior as adults usually are, unless they are mentally unhinged and adjudicated as such by courts of competent jurisdiction. I hope you will stop taking advantage of your children in this manner. It is a form of child abuse and you have been doing it since they were minor children. If Maddy ever wanted to become a lawyer and follow in her grandfather's footsteps you are making it impossible for her to do so in the city in which she was born. Maybe it is time you consider their futures instead of constantly harping on the past which you created out of your own greed and corrupt intentions.

By the way, posting all your diatribes against Ilona, Jerry and the rest of my family online is also a federal offense, and a serious one, in case no one ever mentioned it to you before.  As my grandmother's legal representative, I am hereby notifying you to stop using her name and those of my beloved grandfather's and father's names in this disgusting manner. They are not alive to take you to court, but I can assure you, I am.


JW Grenadier <jwgrenadier@gmail.com>
Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 8:56 AM
To: Rachel Grenadier <rlgrennie29@hotmail.com>, AEB66@aol.com, igrenadier@vafamilylaw.com, David Grenadier <renovo1@msn.com>, Randy Sengel <randy.sengel@alexandriava.gov>, "jkloch@juridicalsolutions.com" <jkloch@juridicalsolutions.com>, "jmcgrath@juridicalsolutions.com" <jmcgrath@juridicalsolutions.com>, asimpson@juridicalsolutions.com, info@juridicalsolutions.com, jcthomas@juridicalsolutions.com, sjohnston@juridicalsolutions.com, wshaw@juridicalsolutions.com, scottynhs@yahoo.com, alan.cooper@valawyersmedia.com, alexandria@connectionnewspaper.com, andrew@eagleviewdc.com, deborah.elkins@valawyersmedia.com, dstone@fairfaxtimes.com, editor@connectionnewspaper.com, editor@valawyersmedia.com, editor@washintonexaminer.com, gazette@connectionnewspapers.com, kpeifer@mediageneral.com, letters@timesdispatch.com, local@washintonexaminer.com, mclean@connectionnewspapers.com, metrobiz@timesdispatch.com, news@timesdispatch.com, peter.vieth@valawyersmedia.com, reston@connectionnewspaper.com, sarah.rodriquez@valawyersmedia.com, Michael Johnson <info@jewishpolicycenter.org>, "nce@house.virginia.gov, DelRDance@house.virginia.gov, 'DelRIngram@house.virginia.gov' <DelRIngram@house.virginia.gov>, 'DelSGarrett@house.virginia.gov' <DelSGarrett@house.virginia.gov>, 'DelSIaquinto@house.virginia.gov' <DelSIaquinto@house.virginia.gov>, 'DelTGear@house.virginia.gov' <DelTGear@house.virginia.gov>, 'DelTGilbert@house.virginia.gov' <DelTGilbert@house.virginia.gov>, 'DelTGreason@house.virginia.gov' <DelTGreason@house.virginia.gov>, 'DelTHugo@house.virginia.gov' <DelTHugo@house.virginia.gov>, 'DelTKilgore@house.virginia.gov' <DelTKilgore@house.virginia.gov>, 'DelWAbbitt@house.virginia.gov' <DelWAbbitt@house.virginia.gov>, 'DelWArmstrong@house.virginia.gov' <DelWArmstrong@house.virginia.gov>, 'DelWBarlow@house.virginia.gov' <DelWBarlow@house.virginia.gov>, '" <support@alextimes.com>, Washingtonian Magazine <editorial@washingtonian.com>, aharman@vafamilylaw.com, Ben Dimuro <bdimuro@dimuro.com>, bduffett@vafamilylaw.com, cjun@vafamilylaw.com, cpatterson@vafamilylaw.com, crubin@vafamilylaw.com, dbrodsky@vafamilylaw.com, evadas@vafamilylaw.com, hjenquine@vafamilylaw.com, jtran@dimuro.com, jwinkler@vafamilylaw.com, llevi@vafamilylaw.com, mjwesq@erols.com, arlene starace <astarace@vafamilylaw.com>
Robin - Rachel?
GO FOR IT -  I am only telling the truth - Ilona's actions show desperate - You aren't the only one she is trying to use -  Actually what you are saying is liable and I may turn this on you - or is it Ilona putting you up to this?  Or were you involved in something with your Grandmothers estate questionable?  I am not saying your were - but, your allegations against me - are off base - and you know it. 
Thank you for putting your thoughts in writing - Hope you have a great day.

Wish you the best - I am only telling the truth - like it or not that is what it is -

 Disclaimer -  This Blog is done by Janice Wolk Grenadier in response to the Criminal Activity this person as acted in ( or supported and tried to intimidate for personal gain)  against her to prevent her from getting a Fair Trial in the City of Alexandria, Virginia - If at anytime you question or see something that is not factual or correct please contact me immediately - This Blog is only about the TRUTH - something the Old Boys Network has a difficult time with in Virginia.  The Old Boys Network controls the Judicial System and rules in Favoritism and Cronyism.